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Comparison of four caliburn series products!

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Comparison of four caliburn series products! Empty Comparison of four caliburn series products!

Mensaje por Admin Miér Jul 05, 2023 4:53 pm

Today, I will compare four caliburn series products: caliburn g, caliburn g2, caliburn a2 and caliburn a2s. The search volume of these products in the background has been high, which shows that many customers still love them.

Comparison of four caliburn series products! UwellCaliburnG
The Uwell Caliburn G Pod System Vape starter Kit is the upgrade version of Caliburn, works with 690mAh built-in battery and can fire up to max 15W output. With a Type-C USB port and 1.5A charging function, charging is faster than ever. With a maximum wattage of 15W, this compact device packs a real punch, delivering brilliant flavor and truly getting the most out of your e-lquid. Uwell Caliburn G uses a dual firing mechanism that can fire using the single intuitive firing button or draw-activated firing system. For increased safety, the Caliburn G features a 5-click lock/unlock function to prevents the device from firing whilst in your pocket or bag. At the top is a magnetically connected 2mL refillable pod, equipped with a leak-proof top filling system, which can hold nic salt or freebase e-juice. The pods feature an ergonomic mouthpiece and a removable coil system, allowing you to interchange the Uwell Caliburn G coils. In addition, Caliburn G Pod uses an innovative airway design, with two different vaping experiences. When the pod air inlet is close to each other device air inlet, the device is suitable and ready for DTL (direct-to-lung) vaping. While the pod air inlet is far away from each other device air inlet, then the device is suitable for MTL (mouth-to-lung) vaping.

Comparison of four caliburn series products! UwellCaliburnG2
Uwell Caliburn G2 Kit is a conFeaturing vibration interaction, you can know how is the device is doing without looking. The design of progressive airflow adjustment will help you enjoy your own tightness preference. Caliburn G2 Pod Kit comes with an e-juice check window and is pre-installed meshed-H 1.2ohm coil. In addition, it also compatible with 1.0ohm and 0.8ohm coil of Caliburn G. There are 1.2ohm and 0.8ohm in the package to provide you MTL and restricted DTL vaping respectively. The Pro-FOCS flavor adjusting tech will bring you original taste, pure and sustain to the last drop of the e-juice. You can refill it effortlessly and there is no need to worry about leakage with the filling port on top. tinuation and upgrade of the generation, and gains a well-knowN reputation from Caliburn G Kit. Here is it and must satisfy all you pod system kit enthusiasts better than ever. CRC is the version designed with child-proof structure to avoid contact with e-juice for children.

Comparison of four caliburn series products! UwellCaliburnA2_1
Uwell Caliburn A2 Kit adopts ultra-light materials with unique ergonomic design for better grip. The exclusive PRO-FOCS tech of Uwell would bring you the most authentic flavor. With an internal 520mAh battery, Caliburn A2 delivers effortless, all-day vaping on the go. Each kit comes complete with two Caliburn A2 refillable pods that feature mesh coils for better flavor. This kit has a lightweight frame and slim design, very easy to carry. It also has 6 Different Colors for you to choose from. Its maximum wattage output can be up to 15W. The battery only takes 35mins to 90% charged with Type-C. Uwell Caliburn A2 Pod comes with 2ml e-juice capacity, it features top filling system to prevent leakage. The perfect lip fitting design and magnetic suction give you a better vaping experience. Caliburn A2 Pod adopts FeCrAI UN2 Meshed-H 0.9 Ω coil to deliver excellent flavor and dense clouds.

Comparison of four caliburn series products! UCA2SK20220718
Caliburn A2S Kit, Featuring 2ml e-lquid capacity, 1.2ohm Caliburn A2 Side Refilling Pod, 520 mAh battery, and 15 W output power, Caliburn A2S is a compact pod system with simplicity. Caliburn A2S comes in a lights-consisted logo, a refillable pod, and a Type-C port. The device is compatible with the 0.9ohm Caliburn A2 refillable pod.


Mensajes : 749
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2018

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